Donnie Darko is probably my favourite film of all time so you can imagine my surprise when I heard there was a sequel in the works. It's called S.Darko and it follows the story of Donnie's sister Samantha 7 years after the original as her and her best friend experience bizarre visions on a road trip. It's a straight to DVD sequel and I think Samantha is the only returning actor from the original. Richard Kelly has completely disowned it and the writer and director aren't exactly big names. You can watch the trailer
here. It doesn't look like anything special but it doesn't look too awful. I'm probably going to end up watching it. Remember, Donnie Darko was originally going to go straight to DVD being marketed as a teen slasher flick only through word of mouth did it become an underground phenomenon. I'm clutching at straws here really. It's probably going to blow chunks.
In other movie news I was watching some of the Oscar coverage and I think the kids from Slumdog Millionaire actually spoke with geordie accents. I'm onto you Danny Boyle. Congrats anyway though.
Also, Fortress favourites The Lonely Island release their debut album in the UK today. With songs Jizz In My Pants, Dick In A Box and Lazy Sunday and featuring a diverse array of guest stars including Justin Timberlake, Jack Black and Nathalie Portman (It's called Nathalie's Rap) it's sure to be fun for all the family.
Tomorrow is Pancake day. Ramsay is ready to roll.