Craig from Hollyoaks has really been doing his utmost to distract people's attention from Jermain Pennant's absence with some of the worst acting that the program (with its distinguised history of terrible terrible acting) has ever seen. The sit up and stare after his man tangle was just masterful. The angry snarly bit after that was also mighty impressive, he was going for angry, I know it. Also this week Claire has gone abortion crazy. Her sheer enthusiasm with Louise has to make you wonder why she didn't get the coat hanger out herself.
I am really starting to enjoy living in the library. The Lusu shop is nearby to provide ice cream sustenance, I get to write sentences that make me feel real smart and I'm guaranteed to see Adam Hargreaves on his daily library constitutional.
Today has been a day for Taco related failure. I thought I had Tacos in the cupboard but they were just Nachos. I went to Spar to try and get some Tacos, I came back with Fajitas. The fajitas were good though.
The gypsys are leaving. Goodbye you blood sucking fiends.
In light of Jose Mourinho's arrest we have been dogafying footballer's names. Didier Dogba and John Terrier. To a lesser extent Steve Puppy (You remember Steve Guppy right!?) You got any better?
PS - If the photo is not the greatest thing you have ever seen then you have lived a far richer life than I.
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